We took Graeme bowling for the first time. The ball he used was a little heavy for him but he insisted on putting his fingers through the holes and try to roll it. Their was a huge birthday party and they were using all the light balls. He had fun but it wore him out. He fell asleep on the way home (very unlike him!)
At 8 mos., Gavin has started crawling. He actually uses his upper body to scoot and his legs catch up with the rest of his body. He is determined to play a game of Candyland with Graeme and I. That always gets him motivated to travel across the room and get his hands on one of those Gingerbread men. He also sits up very well now and will play with his toys for awhile. He enjoys being around his brother!
We now have the long awaited Nintendo Wii. I don't know who likes to play it more, Jeff or Graeme. Graeme has learned how to play bowling, baseball, tennis, and golf. I guess that is pretty good for a 3 year old.